The American Senate Has, It Is Said, Accepted A Bill
which is expected to suppress polygamy within the Territory of Utah. It not only makes it a penal offence, but compels the evidence of husband and wife, and makes adultery......
The Telegrams From Burmah Are Still Full Of Stories Of
small disasters. The papers talk nonsense about " massacres " of Europeans, of whom three appear to have been killed ; but it is true that the disbanded soldiers and the Shams......
The Liberals Of Birmingham Appear To Think That Even The
most undenominational religions teaching ought not to be given in Board schools. At a meeting of the Liberal Two Thousand, held last week (on Friday), a petition in favour of......
The Latest Accounts From The Balkan Are, With One Exception,
all favourable. The Military Commissioners have decided that Servia must quit the district of Widdin, and that Bulgaria must retire from Pirot ; and as that is equivalent to......
On Friday Week Sir William Harcourt Presided At The Annual
examination of the scholars at the British Schools in Derby, and was present at a debate of the boys' parliament on female suffrage, which resulted in a tie, half the boys......
The Courts Of Europe Are Evidently Anxious That The Regent
of Spain, Queen Christina, should be supported, and the Catholic Church is exerting itself to the same end. The Diplomatists never lose an opportunity of honouring the Queen,......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.
Consols were on Wednesday 99k to 99 / 3 6 - ad.......
The Appointment Of Mr. Henry .t. L. Graham To Be
Clerk of the Parliaments (23,000 a year), in the place of the late Sir W. Rose, certainly does look like a very great abuse of patronage. This office is one of the richest gifts......
If It Be True, As A Letter In Monday's Times
states, that the gardener of the British Museum, Mr. William Brightwell, has been dismissed by the Clerk of the Works after nine years' service there, following on sixteen......