Behind the Cloud, and other Lessons from Life in which the "Natural" is used to illustrate the "Spiritual." By "E. C.," Author of "Lord, I hear of Showers of Blessing." (Nisbet and Co.)—The author of this book is, we infer, a lady, which would account for its not being entitled at once a volume of "Sermons." As it is, there are twenty-nine lessons and two thoughts, with three Bible notes. The lessons are of a very various description, such as "Short Cuts ; a Lesson learned by a Mistake," "Palling the Bell; a Lesson of Cheer for Feeble Hands," "Or if there be Caterpillar; a Lesson learned in a Garden." We see nothing in the book to justify, or rather excuse, its existence but a good intention. The four lines quoted in the Preface from a letter of the Princess Alice are worth many such lessons.