THE present is the last issue of the Spectator which will appear in the year 1908. On the whole, it may be said that the outlook in foreign affairs is better than could have been hoped for three or four weeks ago. We do not, of course, mean to suggest that there is not still very considerable cause for anxiety ; but it does seem as if events were working to bring about that understanding between Bulgaria and Turkey on the one band, and Turkey and Austria-Hungary on the other, which must be the preliminary step to a Conference. According to a telegram to Wednesday's Times, the Neue Preie Presse of Vienna states that the terms offered by Austria- Hungary to Turkey are as follows :—(1) Concessions regard. ! ing the Custom-dues, which the Porte desires to increase from 11 per cent. to 15 per cent. (2) Supplementary com- mercial agreements between Austria-Hungary and Turkey. (3) Assent to the establishment of Turkish monopolies in cigarette-paper and matches, articles now principally supplied by Austria-Hungary. (The Porte is also said to desire the creation of monopolies in petroleum, which will affect Russia, and in spirits. The question of monopolies, like the increase of the Custom-duties, will of course require the assent of all the Powers.) (4) The examination of the possibility of abolishing foreign post-offices and abrogating the Capitula- tions. The Neue Preie Presse goes on to declare that Austria- Hungary cannot take over any part of the Turkish Debt, nor will she pay so high a sum as £4,000,000 in any form. Probably this last statement is in the nature of bargaining. In some quarters it is declared that Austria-Hungary has in effect expressed her-willingness to pay two millions, and that the Turks are willing to accept three millions. In that case it should not be difficult to split the difference.