[to Tel Editor Of Viii "sprotatol1
SrE, — In your issue of February 15th, 1908, there was a letter signed "F. M." suggesting that at the next General Election we ask Unionist Tariff Reform candidates the......
Mo The Editor Of Tri: "sp/cfrtator."j
SIR,—Whilst warmly appreciating your article on the above subject in the Spectator of December 12th, may I draw attention to a phrase which I think gives an erroneous impression......
Elections In India.
[To THE EDITOR or THE SPECTATOR." SIR,—With reference to the proposed reforms in India, it may be worth while to remind your readers that the election of popular representatives......
Labour Legislation, 1906-8.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." J SIR,—In the present House of Commons the Labour Party appears to be in the position of the bolder of the magic lamp, while the Government......
A Canker In Imperial Administration.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." J SIR,—As one who lived, in an official capacity, for many years in Nyasaland, I desire fully to endorse—with the reservation of his......