The Boniaunt Of The Rose. Illustrated By Keith Henderson And
Norman Wilkinson. (Published for the Florence Press by Chatto and Windus. £2 12s. 6d. net.)—The style of these illustrations is distinctive, and, though based on mediaevalism,......
The Art Journal, 1908. (virtue And Co. 21s. Net.)—here We
have a record of pictures, good, had, and indifferent, which have been prominent during the past year. It is amusing to speculate what would be the position of modern art......
Anthropology And The Classics. By Arthur J. Evans And...
Edited by R. R. Marrett. (The Clarendon Press. 60. net.)—Here we have six lectures delivered at Oxford in the course of the term just come to an end at the instance of the......
Pippa Passes ; And Men And Women. By Robert Browning.
Illustrated by Eleanor Brickdale. (Chatto and Windus. 6s. net.)— The original drawings no doubt contain beauties of colour which are entirely lost in their reproduction by the......
Augustus Saint - Gaudens. By Lewis Hind. (john Lane. 12s....
Hind has written a short, sympathetic intro- duction to this collection of photographs of the sculptor's life- work. Although American by adoption, Saint-Gaudens in his art......
The Cathedrals Of Norway, Sweden, And Denmark. By T. F.
Bumpus. (T. Werner Laurie. 16s. net.)—The architecture of these churches ranges from fine specimens of Romanesque at Lund to pointed Gothic at 17psala. At the latter place, too,......
The Last Fight Of The Revenge.' By Sir Walter Raleigh.
With an Introduction by Henry Newbolt and Illustrations by Frank Brangwyn. (Gibbings and Co. 7s. 6d. net.)—Here is the document which inspired Tennyson, and here we can see how......
The Tempest. Illustrated by Paul Woodroffe. With Songs by Joseph Moorat. (Chapman and Hall. 10s. 6d. net.)—The figure of Ariel is disappointing. He is too thin and etiolated,......
Hunts With Jorrocks. Illustrated In Colour By G. D. Armour.
(Hodder and Stoughton. 10s. 6d. net.)—Lovers of the book itself will perhaps like to have these selections with their illustrations. They are full of cleverness, though, it......
• The Colour Of Paris : Historic, Personal, And Local.
By Members 'of the Goncourt Academy. Illustrated by Yoshio Markin°. (Chatto and Windus. ' 20s. net.)—We are already acquainted with this Japanese artist's version of London, and......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Under this heading UV indict such Books of the wok as handl not been reserved for revitw in other forme.] Alcuin of York. By the Right Rev. G. F. Browne, D.D. (S.P.C.K.......