The Boniaunt of the Rose. Illustrated by Keith Henderson and
Norman Wilkinson. (Published for the Florence Press by Chatto and Windus. £2 12s. 6d. net.)—The style of these illustrations is distinctive, and, though based on mediaevalism, is in no sense a Parvile imitation. Of the designs, we greatly prefer those by Mr. Keith Henderson, who shows a joyous spirit in such pictures as .that entitled "Iolyf and Gay," true beauty in "As Bryde in Boar," and imagination in the final design. The book is most beautifully printed from type which has been specially designed .by Mr. H. E. Horne, based upon the work of the Italian printers .of the Quattrocento and Cinquecento. Not only is the printed page a pleasure to look at on account of its spacing and shapely letters, but it is also most delightfully clear to read. The illus- trations have been reproduced by collotype, and are indeed a pleasure to , see after the dreary wildernesses of three-colour. printing to which we are now subjected. Here is a process which can make a reproduction beautiful in itself.