REMEMBER now thy Creator
In the days of thy youth ; Perlege, siste, viator, Remember the days of ruth : Days when we may not hearken To the music that they make ; When the window-panes shall darken, And the knees of the strong men shake.
Another year grows colder, The later months retire; Our faces are twelve months older, As we look across the Choir. We come here Sunday by Sunday, To listen, or sleep, or pray; Till they seek for our places one day, And we shall be away.
The lectern candles beacon, The morning is foggy and dark, Bishop, and Dean, and Archdeacon, Precentor, Canon, and Clerk; We are growing balder, and whiter, The morning is foggy and pale.
But we look for a place that is brighter, Where the light shall not fail.
Where the light of the Lamb is the one light,
In streets of jasper and gold,
There will be no need of the sunlight, And no growing old.
Jesu, mundi salvator, There we shall know the truth ; Kneeling before the Creator,
We remembered in our youth. J. M. F.