We wish to call attention to the appeal made to
the able- bodied men of London to support the Territorial scheme. It was issued on Monday, and is signed by the Duke of Fife, Lord-Lieutenant of the county, and by Lord Esher, Chairman of the County of London Association. The proclamation points out the duty of service, and describes the benefits which Londoners will enjoy if they respond to the call. The county of London has enrolled under sixteen thousand men of the twenty-seven thousand one hundred and seventy-five required. Other parts of the country put London to shame, and although we know that the spirit of emulation is rather weak in so large an area as London, we cannot doubt that there will be a satisfactory answer to the appeal. London has too good a record in raising splendid voluntary corps in emergencies to spoil that record now. And we could not wish anything better for young men, quite apart from their duty to the country, than that they should enjoy the good- fellowship, the healthy exercises, and the invaluable discipline of a period of military service.