The elections of the week have not ended favourably for
the Liberals. Mr. Easton, though he started late for.East Suffolk, and is not favourably regarded there, received 2,708 votes ; but Colonel Berne, the Conservative, obtained 3,659, and more than. 3,000 electors stayed away. In Berkshire, Mr. Wroughton was- returned by 3,454 over Mr. Darby-Griffith, who, though not a Liberal, stood on behalf of the tenant-farniers, but had only 1,149 supporters. Parliament, however, can spare that " note of interrogation." In East Retford, though the Liberals fought a splendid fight, and Mr. Bristowe received 3,351 votes, still Mr. W. B. Denison obtained 3,538 and the seat. The Horsham election comes off on Tuesday, and we suppose Sir Hardinge Giffard will be returned at last, in spite of his speeches, which have a hard, raspy grittiness about them which will make him decidedly unpopular in the House. We should judge him, from them, to be a cynical Tory, a man who thinks progress humbug, and a full stomach a compensation for the absence of freedom. He may prove the mule in the team yet.