26 FEBRUARY 1876, page 3

The Times Gave A Singularly Untrustworthy Account Of The...

of the Vivisection Commissioners' Report in a leading article of this day week. Probably the article was written by some one who had turned over the pages of that Report, but......

Mr. Horsman's Action Against The World For Libel Has Come

to an end. On Friday, in the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court, Serjeant Parry, on behalf of the World, offered a full re- tractation of the libel, and said his clients......

Mr. Anderson, The Member For Glasgow, Raised A Curious Con-

stitutional question on Friday week. Private Bills are now ' referred " by the House of Commons to Committees, or rather tribunals, in which Members are aided by the advice of......

The American Democratic Convention For The Nomination Of...

has been called for the 27th of June, the Republican Con- vention meets a few days later, and from that time till November the United States will be occupied in electioneering.......

The Result Of The Judgment In The Case Of "

Jenkins v. Cook" is that Mr. Flavel Cook has resigned his living at Christ Church, Clifton, rather than administer the Communion to Mr. Jenkins. Five hundred and forty members......

Dr. Pusey Writes To Thursday's Times That He Gave Up

the hope of a reconciliation of our Church to Rome after the decree of Papal Infallibility in 1870. For our own parts, we should have thought that, except by the method of pure......

The Army Estimates Have Been Laid Upon The Table, And

show a total increase of expenditure of £603,900, the total outlay being £13,989,500. The greater part of this increase is for military stores, but a sum of less than £200,000......

The Elections Of The Week Have Not Ended Favourably For

the Liberals. Mr. Easton, though he started late for.East Suffolk, and is not favourably regarded there, received 2,708 votes ; but Colonel Berne, the Conservative, obtained......

It Appears From A Letter Of Mr. John Thirlwall's, Published

in last Saturday's Times, that he made a mistake, and one which has given pain, in asserting, what we copied from his letter into our last number, that the Dean and Chapter of......

Consols Were At The Latest Date 94-1. To 94
