Among The Cadists. By John Farley. (s. Tinsley.)—mr....
good service under the Red Cross in the Franco-German war, and he went last year to the theatre of war in Spain, to see how he might help in the same cause. His experience was......
Publications Of The Week.
Arthur, or the Knight of our Own Day, 2 vols cr 8vo (Chapman A Hall) 21/0 Blake (W. P.), International Exhibition, Vienna, 1873, Au., 8vo (Triibner & Co.) 9/0 Blunt (E. M.),......
Food : Its Adulterations, And The Methods For Its Detection.
By Arthur Hill Hassall, M.D. (Longmans.)—Dr. Hassall has succeeded in making us thoroughly uncomfortable. If there is one thing in which we are at the mercy of our......
The Nature Of Light, With A General Account Of Physical
Optics. By Dr. Eugene Lommol. (Henry S. King and Co.)—To those who take an amateur interest in scientific pursuits, this book will be most ac- ceptable. The nature of light is......
The Girl He Left Behind Him. By R. Mounteney Jepbson.
3 vols. (Bentley.)—There is good, or, anyhow, smart writing in this book. On the whole, it is not otherwise than readable. Perhaps the best, as it is certainly the most amusing,......
Terms Of Subscription Dt The United Kingdom.— Yearly,...
; Half-Yearly, 14s. 3d.; and Quarterly, 7s. 2d. ; in advance, postage included. Single copy, 6d. ; by post, bid.......
The Three Heavens. By The Rev. Josiah Crampton. (hunt And
Co.)— To the first and second of the divisions of this book we have no objection to make. Mr. Crampton has road books about meteorology and astro- nomy, and though he has no......
HEAL—On February 19, at Cannes, France, John Harris Heal, of Tottenham Court Road, and Grass Farm, Finchley, aged 65.......
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Publisher begs to state that he will receive Prepaid Advertisements, at the rate of Twopence a rirord.......