The Cairo correspondent of the Times sends a long despatch
to Monday's issue on the Khedive's recent visit to the Holy Places of Islam. A political motive was ascribed to the journey, but this view the writer dismisses as wholly incorrect. The Khedive's real motive was partly filial affection, as he did not wish his mother to perform the pilgrimage alone, and partly the desire to establish a better route for the Egyptian pilgrims, to say nothing of the desire of every Moslem to visit the sacred places of his faith. Turning to the government of the Hedjaz, the correspondent notes how in the past matters have been complicated by the conflict of authority between the Sherif of Mecca and the Turkish Governor-General. During the Hamidian regime the Sherif was undisputed lord of the Hedjaz, and cruelly fleeced the pilgrims. Since the proclama- tion of the Constitution things have taken a turn for the better, and the new Sherif gives the impression of being a sincere Arab patriot genuinely anxious for the welfare of his country.