26 FEBRUARY 1910, page 25

Cousin Hugh. By Theo. Douglas. (methuen And Co. 6s.)— This

story of the beginning of the nineteenth century is partly concerned with the plots for enabling French prisoners to escape from England. That is to say, it is concerned with......

The Golden Centipede. By Louise Gerard. (methuen And Co....

is a novel of the West African coast. Though it contains certain ineptitudes, it is amusing reading, and tho adven- tures are decidedly exciting. The core of the plot is the......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Under this heading we notice such Books of ths week as have not been reserved for mina in other forms.] In "The Century Bible" (T. C. and E. C. Jack, 2s. 8d. net) we have Ezra,......


SILVERWOOL.* CUMBERLAND, outside the Lake District, is singularly little known to the average Southerner. He has heard of Cumber- land wrestling and "statesmen," and of the......

Readable Novel8.—the Home Secretary. By Wilmot Kayo....

Co. 6s.)—A political story of a Labour leader who becomes Home Secretary. It is fairly probable, if not particularly striking.—White Walls. By Max Pemberton. (Same publishers.......

The Common-sense Of Poor Law Reform.* Sin William Chance...

a public service by taking the field on behalf of moderation and common-sense in the matter of Poor Law reform. It is difficult to get up much enthusiasm over the proposition......

The Prime Minister's Secret. By W. Holt White. (t. Fisher

TJnwin. 6s.)—This is a melodrama concerned with international politics. The writing is rather confused, and neither the characters nor the reader know exactly, to quote......