The Debate On The Address Was Continued On Tuesday By
Mr. Barnes, who declared that the Election was mainly fought and won on the question of the Lords. The policy of the Labour Party with regard to the Upper House might be summed......
The Cairo Correspondent Of The Times Sends A Long Despatch
to Monday's issue on the Khedive's recent visit to the Holy Places of Islam. A political motive was ascribed to the journey, but this view the writer dismisses as wholly......
Later In The Evening The Position Of The Government Was
defended by Mr. Churchill. He declared that on the great question between the two Houses "no smooth compromise and no satisfying formula would suffice." At the same time, it was......
After Mr. Boner Law, Following The Lead Given Him By
the Chancellor of the Exchequer, had indulged in a wrangle with the Ministerialists as to whether the thousand tons of horseflesh sold in the East End of London was meant for......
In View Of The Interest Felt In The Exact Words
used by Mr. Asquith in his Albert Hall speech, we place them on record :— "We shall not assume office, and we shall not hold office, unless we can secure the safeguards which......
We Believe It To Be Beyond Question That The German
working man works longer hours for smaller wages than his British fellow-labourer, and, further, that the purchasing. power of the money he receives is considerably less than it......
Lord Morley Is Of Course Right To Be Very Cautious
in his statements, but it is quite clear that the Dalai Lama was driven from the Holy City by his fears of the Chinese army, which, whatever may be the political intentions of......
In The House Of Lords On Thursday Lord Morley, In
answer to Lord Curzon, made a detailed statement in regard to the flight of the Dalai Lama to Darjeeling. On Feb- ruary 12th forty Chinese mounted infantry arrived at Lhasa, the......
On Wednesday Mr. Austen Chamberlain Moved, On Behalf Of The
Tariff Reformers, an amendment to the Address. Kr. Lloyd George, who closed the debate on behalf of the Government, filled a considerable part of his speech with rhetorical......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent., Changed From 4 Per Cent.
Feb. 10th. Consols (2i) were on Friday 84—Friday week 82.......