[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, I beg leave to call your attention to the following matter. The Executive Committee of the Victoria League are arranging for a Conference on National Health, to be held in London, May 18th to 21st, 1914. They recognize the importance of securing an interchange of knowledge between the different countries of the Empire on such questions as Housing and Care of Child Life—the two main sections of the forthcoming Conference—and of bringing together those working for the improvement of social conditions among British people. It is solely to effect snch intercourse and interchange of knowledge that the Conference is being organized. Delegates both from official and unofficial bodies in Great Britain and the Dominions are being asked to attend. A special Committee has been appointed to make all arrangements, of which Miss Violet Markham is chairman, and Mrs. H. J. Tennant, Mrs. Alfred Lyttelton, Mrs. Pember Reeves, Miss Balfour, Lady Sybil Grey, Mr. Greenhalgh, Mr. Birchenough, Lord Henry Bentinck, and Mr. Henry Vivian are members.
Letters expressing cordial approval of the Conference have been received from Mr. Harcourt, Mr. Burns, Mr. Sydney Buxton, Mr. Pease, and Mr. McKenna, also from the Premiers of the Dominion of Canada, the Union of South Africa, the Dominion of New Zealand, Quebec, Alberta, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, New- foundland, Victoria (Australia), New South Wales, Queensland, and Tasmania. The Committee are arranging for papers to be written by those having special knowledge of the subjects in Great Britain, in Australia, Canada, South Africa, and New Zealand. Delegates will also be invited to take part in the discussion each day. If you would be good enough to publish this preliminary announcement of the Conference, my Committee would be very