Anyone Who Recalls Sir Alexander King's Evidence And His...
with the Spectator as to the proper way in which officials of the State should conduct commercial bargains, will remember that he did scout the suggestion that the Government......
In A Letter To Friday's Times Mr. Samuel, The Postmaster-
General, in reply to Mr. Atnery's letter, gives " a denial to some statements of facts which it contains." It is not the case, he says, as Mr. Amery asserts, that Sir Alexander......
Unfortunately We Have Not Space To Attempt To Give A
précis of the two important letters from Mr. Amery upon the Marconi contract which appeared in the Times on Wednesday and Thursday. We can only summarize the conclusions reached......
Referring To Mr. Churchill's Disclaimer As To Certain...
regard to an oil company in Mexico, Lord Robert declared that he had never witnessed a more degrading exhibition :— "Either it was a very serious matter, which ought to have......
Lord Robert Cecil, In A Speech Reported In Last Saturday's
newspapers, dealt with the Marconi question. After describing the dealings of Ministers in American Marconi shares, he once more declared that he had never said, that he had not......
The Morning Post Of Tuesday Published An Extraordinarily...
cogent appeal from a large number of the best- known doctors in the kingdom, beaded by such men as Sir Thomas Barlow, SirWilliam Osler, and Si rVictor Horsley, for the......
We Desire To Endorse And Make Our Own The Words
we have just quoted. In our opinion they are just and discriminating, and in no sense exaggerate the importance of the incident. As we pointed out immediately after the evidence......
It Is A Preposterous Policy To Strain At Every Gnat
of social hygiene and swallow this monstrous camel in silence. It is, we believe, sometimes urged that such disease is the just reward of vice, and should be allowed to continue......
Bank Rate, 41-per Cent., Changed From 5 Per Cent. April
17th. Consols (4) were on Friday 73—Friday week 721.......