The Value Of Agricultural Land. [to Tee Editor Of The
"SPECTATOR. "] SIR, I am not surprised that an Australian farmer in your issue of July 5th should express surprise at my statement, namely, that the net rents that we receive......
[To 1111 EDITOR OF THE e spas-rams:9 SIR,—The following may be of interest to those who believe• in heredity, and that "the pride of the sword " passee from father:to son. The......
The Decalogue In National Schools. Do The Editor Of The
" EPECTATOR."] SIR, —I enclose an extract from the Church of Ireland Gazette of June 13th, containing a reply from the Bishop of Clogher to the paragraph quoted on p. 13 of your......
Mr. Ramsay Macdonald And Leicester, [to The Editor Or The
"SPECTILTOR:1 SIR,—When you were good enough a fortnight ago not only to tell me what I ought to do in reply to an offensive state- ment, but what I had to do, I was under the......
Bullfights And Horses.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.1 SIR, —In the review of Blood and Sand : a Novel, in your issue of July 19th, the writer closes his comments with the words : " But the......
Mr. Alfred Lyttelton.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE " STECTATOR." J SIR,—We who sign this letter are conscious of the general desire among Old Etonians to have a memorial of Alfred Lyttelton at Eton. We......