[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sra,—You have been good enough to allow me to appeal in your columns for the last two years past for contributions towards a fund for providing holidays by the sea or countryside for neces- sitous ladies, and through the exceptional generosity of--readers of the Spectator I have been enabled to bring rest to those to whom it meant a boon untold. May I be allowed to appeal again for help to send away the widows of the poor clergy and men of letters, governesses, typewriters, hospital nurses, secretaries, musicians, actresses, clerks, and ladies of gentle birth engaged in other professions, who for reasons of age and ill-health are out of work and have no means of providing holidays for themselves, yet who, without the possibility of earning money in the summer months, are left behind in London exposed to the sufferings attendant on poverty, whereas women of a rougher class are liberally provided for through various other holiday funds ? I plead, then, for those too proud to plead for themselves; for the sick and broken down from overwork. All contributions sent to the address given below will be gratefully acknowledged and dis-