CO t ou t.
THE QUEMN held a Court at Buckingham Palace on Monday. Her Ma- jesty gave audience to M. Juan Alberdi, the Minister from the Argen- tine Confederation. Sir John Crampton had audience, and took leave on his departure to St, Petersburg. Sir Arthur Magenis was presented OR his return from abroad. The Honourable Edward Harris kissed hands on his appointment as Minister to Berne. The Earl of Malmes- bury had an audience.
Accompanied by the Prince Consort, the King of the Belgians, and the Belgian-Princes, the Queen has attended the performances of the Phil- harmonic Concert, the concert for the benefit of the Royal Academy of Music, the Italian Opera, and Her Majesty's Theatre ; and has visited the Crystal Palace. The Prince Consort has reviewed the Guards in Hyde Park. The Belgian Princes have visited the British Museum and other London sights.
The list of the Queen's guests includes the names of the Duke of Cambridge, Prince Victor of Hohenlohe the Earl and Countess of Cla- rendon, the Earl of Aberdeen, the Belgian Minister, the Marquis of Salisbury, the Duke of Malakoff, the Duke of Newcastle Lord Gough, Lord Leigh, General and Lady Alice Peel, Major-General Sir William Reid, Colonel Jones, and Colonel Little.