26 JUNE 1858, page 5
Co T Ou T.
THE QUEMN held a Court at Buckingham Palace on Monday. Her Ma- jesty gave audience to M. Juan Alberdi, the Minister from the Argen- tine Confederation. Sir John Crampton had......
T4t 33ittropo1io.
Lord Mayor Carden gave a banquet on Wednesday evening in honour of her Majesty's Ministers. But it was shorn of its glory. Indisposition kept away, not only that idol of the......
Ethan Mill Uttiringo In Furliannt.
PRINCIPAL BUSINESS , OF Tilt w Bra. Rom es Loans. Monday, June 21. Government of India ; Lord Lansdovrne's Questioa—The Coolie Trade ; the Bishop of Oxford's Motion, Tuesday,......