Confession In The Church Of England.
San—The calm thoughtfulness with which you discuss "topics of the day" contrasts favourably with the careless misrepresentations, and too often, I fear, deliberate unfairness of......
Capturing Nana. Sahib.
22d June 1858. Sin—Here is the only infallible receipt for catching Nana Sahib. Let the Government ask Mr. J. C. Wilson, of the Civil Service, now, I believe, Judge of......
Tottno To T4o Ettitlir.
FRENCH NAVAL ARMAMENTS. Southsea, 21st June 1858. Six—Is France arming her ships in the manner attributed to her ? or is she merely doing what we have done for the last six......
At Her Majesty's Theatre there has been a series of" last nights" of Mademoiselle Titiens in consequence of the supposed necessity for the fair prima donna's immediate departure......