DEATHS. On the 8th May, at Ahmedaead, Gujerat, from the
effects of fever, taken in the discharge of his duty, Lieutenant-Colonel Leslie Skynner, 11.M.'s 89th Regiment, youngest surviving son of the late Robert Skynoer, Esq., of Mortimer Street, Cavendish Square ; in his 36th year. On the 15th June, at Trevince, near Truro, Michael Williams, Esq., M.P. for West Cornwall ; in his 74th year. On the 15th, at Bath, the Hon. Arthur Thellusson ; in his 57th year. On the 15th, at Hazelbrook, Kimmage Road, county Dublin, Elizabeth Anne, the wife of the Right Hon. Maziere Brady. On the 17th, at Blackheath, Mrs. Ann Millward ; in her 102d year.
On the 19th, at midnight, at Greenhill, near Barnet, Rests, Major Sutherland G. G. Orr, late commanding the 3d Regiment of Hyderabad Cavalry; in his 42d year. This gallant and distinguished officer succumbed after several months of severe suffering, to the results of anxiety, fatigue, and exposure of the last Mhow and Central India campaign.
On the 20th, at Sherborne, Lydia Jane, daughter of William Charles and Cathe- rine Frances Macready • in her 16th year. On the 20th, at Lee Cottage, Old Brompton, Dawson Turner, Esq., F.R.S. and F.S.A., late of Great Yarmouth; in his 834 year.