26 JUNE 1858, Page 9


STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY Arremmoir. With the exception of a daily purchase by the Government Broker of about 15,000/. in Reduced, there is nothing particular to report in the trans- actions of the week in Public Securities ; the market continues to be cha- racterized by great dulness and inactivity ; many of the leading operators taking advantage of the fineness of the weather are out of town, and those remaining seem indisposed to effect any bargains of importance either one way or the other,—in fact, business appears for the time to be almost en- tirely suspended ; the consequence is that the fluctuations from day to day scarcely exceed 1-16 per cent, and the closing quotations of this afternoon are precisely as they were at the opening on Monday—Consols, 95g 951. Yesterday there were buyers at 95 13-16, and a better tone seemed to pre- yell; but the Indian intelligence published this morning had a depressing influence, and Consols were offered at 95 11-16; they are now buyers at that price, but without any signs of real buoyancy.. The demand for money for Continental purposes has been greatly on the increase. Out of doors higher rates have been given, but on the Stock Exchange the demand has not been great, and the rates for accommodation moderate. French prices being telegraphed better, a little more firmness has been imparted to the Consul Market at the close today. Reduced, 95a 96; New Three per Cents, 9506 ; Bank Stock, 220 223. T.he market for Foreign Securities has had a most unsettled appearance during the last week ; there is, however, so little doing that any single bargain, either a sale or purchase, affects prices for a while ; it is thought by the dealers in this market that so limited a state of real business has not been en witnessed for several years. Stocks, as might be expected, are flat and heavy. Brazil Scrip has declined to 1 discount, sellers, and Turkish Six per Cents are per cent lower. Spanish Three per Cents are a degree firmer. The last prices are as follows—New Brazil, l 1 dis. ; Victor Em- manuel, par 1 prem. ; Mexican, 20a a ; Buenos Ayres, 82 84; Buenos Ayres Deferred, 18 19 ; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cent, 861 87k; Pe- ruvian Three per Cent, 66 67 ; Turkish Six per Cent, 95 95k; Ditto Four

Per Cent, 104 104k; Grenada Active, 20 21 ; 'V'enezuela, Spanish

Three per Cent, 45 451; Ditto Deferred, 271 1. The half-yearly dividendo have been advertised on the Victor Emmanuel, Russian Four-and-a-half, Spanish Three per Cents, Spanish Deferrdd, and Portuguese Three per Cents. An extremely limited amount of business has been passing in Railway Shares ; there is a marked absence of dealers, the market constantly pre- senting an empty appearances Shares are all more or leas lower in value, but there have been no particular sales except in Caledonians, the quota- tion of today differing almost 5 per cent from last Friday ; some very large sales have been made every day in these shares : in other things, prices are almost nominal. Caledonian, 37 37k; Great Western, 49a 49k; London and North-Western, 90 90k; London and South-Western, 461 461; Lan- cashire and Yorkshire, 89a 89k; Great Northern, 2.51 251 ; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 361 37; London and Brighton, 107 109. Today the markets have been almost deserted.

French Shares have been subject to considerable variations, and prices show some firmness at the close of the week, being from 108. to 158. higher than the lowest point since last Saturday, although the highest figures have not been maintained. Northern of France, 37 371 ; Sambre and Meuse, 7f 71; Paris and Strasbourg, 241 2.5k; Paris and Lyons, 30 30k; Luxem- bourg, 747i. The pending arrangements between the Government and the Railway Companiesis likely to cause fluctuations until completed. The In- dian Market remains steady but business dull.


An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Wednesday the 23d day of June 1858.

Notes issued £31,621,280 Government Debt £11,015,100 Other Securities 3,459,900 Gold Coin and Bullion 17,310,200 Silver Bullion £31,821,280 £31,821,280


Proprietors Capital £14,653,000 Government Securities (Inclu- Rest 3,163,701 ding Dead Weight Annuity). £10,656,138 Public Deposits' 7,296,156 Other Securities 14,614,369 Other Deposits 12,582,872 Notes 12,372,'S5

Seven Days and other Bills 733,719 Gold and Silver CUIJI 686,856

£38,329,148 £$8,329,448 • Including Exchequer, Saying-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Acct.

It appears, from the prospectus of the Victoria Station and Pimlico Railway Company, that of the 675,000/. forming the share capital, 450,0001. is to be taken by the Brighton Railway Company, who "receive no dividend on their subscription, but look to the increase of traffic alone for a return for their outlay.

The dividend of the Peel River Company will be 28. per share.

The Crystal Palace Company will have no dividend for the past half-year, but a balance of 13,799/. will be carried forward.

It is understood that arrangements have been made by the Government with the Royal Mail Company to continue the Australian mail service, vitt Suez, until some new and permanent contract shall have been entered into.

A further repayment of 58. per share is to be made to the proprietors of the Australian Royal Mail Steam Navigation Company, making a total of 4/. 58. There are still two ships to be sold, and other assets.

. On Tuesday, at the Auction Mart, Mr. Debenham offered to public auction a property which very rarely comes into the market, being a one sixth part of an entire thirty-sixth share in the adventurers' moiety of the New River Company, the annual income on which is 149/. 6s. 8d. ; being on an entire share, as declared at Christmas last, 896/. The entire pro- pertyis divided into only 72 shares. The lot sold for 3300/., and a similar one-sixth share was taken by the purchaser at the same price, making the value of an entire share to be 19,800/.

The silk crop is now estimated at a lower amount than it had been, the worms having suffersd from excessive heat.