The Jew and Human Sacrifice. By Hermann L. Strack, D.D. (Cope and Fenwick. 10s. 6d. net.)—Professor Strack, who takes the opportunity of stating that he is entirely of Teutonic descent, examines the whole subject of ritual murder and the charges brought against the Jews. The "Christian child murdered at the Passover time" is a very old lie, with a tenacity of life which would be amazing if one did not know what strange growths may come out of the stock of odium theologicum. Professor S track pillories a certain journal, the Osservatore Cattolico of Milan, which, not twenty years ago, repeated it. He might have found more recent examples in England. This book was first published in 1891; the English translation now before us, the work of Mr. Henry Blauchamp, is from the eighth edition, and comes with the special recommendation of the author. It is much more than an examination of this particular fiction : it examines the whole subject of superstitions connected with the use of blood. One curious thing is that very similar accusations were brought against the early Christians.