[to Till Editor Op Vas " Spectator:1 Sir,—the Chancellor Of
the Exchequer proposes to put a tax . of 20 per cent. on the difference between the price paid for a property and the price obtained for it, as if the difference between these......
The Land Clauses Of The Budget.
[To Tee EDITOR or TRII " SPECTATOR."J SIR,—Although the Finance Bill has been under discussion for some weeks, it must be appiu•ent that, whatever may be said in favour of an......
Contraband Of War.
ITO TUE EDITOR OP TITS "9PECTATOIL1 Sin,—If one may judge from the newspaper reports of the replies given in the House on Monday by Mr. McKinnon Wood to Mr. Leverton Harris's......
[to Itorron Op T1111 " Sr Harwrotvi
SIR,—By the Finance Bill the following duties are put upon laud :—(1) The Increment Value Duty of 20 per cent. (a) on any sale of land or grant of any lease not less than seven......