Women's Share In Patriotism. [to Ter Editor Of Tmi...
suppose it is no exaggeration to state that the men of this country are at last fully aroused to our extreme national peril, and intend to see that our sea and laud forces are......
Why Not A Census Of Trained Men P Rr0 Tue
EDITOR OF TIM "SPROTATOR."J SIR,-"eill your editorial comment at the foot of Mr. Rowland Hunt's letter re universal military training published in the Spectator of the 19th......
(to Tim Editor Of Tii• “spiop1tor:1 (to Tim Editor Of
TII• “SPIOP1TOR:1 6 . nt,—Your correspondent " Quinque Filii" in last week's " s ae is, I think, in his estimate of a subaltern'. expenses, quoting from experience of a very......
The German Danger.
[To errs anrron or viii "sr so r.uroie."1 Sri,—In the letter signed "A German" published by you in the Spectator of June 5th the following passage occurs :— " There is one law......
The Lack Of Territorial Officers.
LTO TIM EDITOR Or TIM "SrimarAton."J LTO TIM EDITOR Or TIM "SrimarAton."J Eli / . ' 4 have read the rather weak-kneed letters of your c orrespondents " Quiuque Filii " and " M."......
Ito Tor Editor. Op Tim "81.110titor.') Sir,—a Statement...
of " Quinque Filii" in your last issue does a lot of harm to the Territorial Force. There may be regiments in which this magnificence of apparel is thought necessary, but my......