26 JUNE 1909, Page 12


A Grammar of the Old Testament in Greek. By Henry St, John Thackerses Vol. I. (Cambridge University Press. 8s. not.)— This is the first instalment of what will be, when completed, a very valuable aid to Biblical study. The subject is the Septuagint. The last half-century has witnessed a great growth of interest in this book. The Grinfleld Lecture founded at Oxford some forty years since was one sign of it ; the great Cambridge edition of the Septuagint, now in course of publication, shows how the study has flourished. Mr. Thackeray's volume, which we cannot notice in detail, contains an introduction, orthography and phonetics, and accidence. If we are to single out any specially interesting thing, it is that which is briefly expressed in the third heading in the introduction : Tho K011,4—tho Basis of LXX. Greek," supplemented by illustrations from the usages of modern Greek. Among many notable phenomena is the fact of words becoming indeclinable, frequently as preparatory to becoming obsolete.