[Under this howling tes notice such Books of the wink as haw not too* reserved for mien in other forms.] The English Child's Crusade. A Sermon by the Rev. John H. Skrine. (Holy well Press, Oxford. ld.; 3s. per hundred.)—[-lore we have a sermon preached on Empire Day in the Cathedral, Oxford, before four hundred children selected from the schools of the city. It is a fine appeal, made to the boys and girls of the present, as tho men and women of the future, an appeal to the sense of duty to country. We shall quote a few lines from the conclusion. The preacher has been speaking of the Crusade preached in Europe eight centuries or so ago, and goes on :— " It's a crusade we ask you to go on: and you can do it without leaving home. For this is a crusade, a war for Holy Cross; you are called on to fight for the truth whioh the Cross means, the truth of sacrifice, the truth; that by sacrifice, by unselfish- ness, by denying ourselves, by giving ourselves up to God, by losing our life—by this we win life, our own life or the life of England." The sermon has been printed at the expense of a wellwisher; it would be a good thing to buy and circulate it widely.