26 JUNE 1915, Page 15


[To Tel Ennuis or ran .111PICTATO."]

received this morning a letter from a young Captain in the Cape Mounted Rifles who has been fighting for months in Sonth.West Africa. Perhaps we at home hardly realize the hardships of that campaign. Our men are marching through miles and miles of waterless desert; they have fierce battles from time to time ; food im scarce; and when they are thirsty and reach one of the rare water-holes they find it polluted with dead bodies and carbolic acid. On such a march the graves are many, and on some of thorn these words are written: "Tell England, you that pass, that toe lie content." Captain C. adds simply: "I don't suppose many English will ever see them," so, for the honour of these dear dead men, I send their message to the readers of the Spectator.—I am,

Sir, do., Enna C. BARBEE. The Leys School, Cambridge.