26 JUNE 1915, page 14
[to Nu Empon On Pro N Firramoel Sus,—your Correspondent "x.
H. X." fails to understand, I am afraid, the Quaker attitude towards' war by reason of a lack of knowledge of the history of our Society. To bear arms or to engage in military......
Ins1jranoe Against Air Raids.
[To roe BOMB. OF SIM “Sracuroa...] Sns,—The third plan which you suggest in your issue of the 19th inst. with regard to meeting possible losses arising through an air raid on......
Qua Tierishf And This War.
[To TNN EDITOP OP TON . 8PPOPPIVIel Snt,—The letter signed "X. X. X." in your last issue is so good that one feels sorry that the writer did not let us know who it was who could......