In The World's Cotton Crops (a. And C. Black, 10s.
net) Mr. John A. Todd has aimed at giving an account of the sources of supply of raw cotton in a form sufficiently non-technical to be understood alike by the average grower and......
The Story Of The Lost Provinces Of France Has Been
scarcely less eventful on its military side than that of the Low Countries. Lance and Lorraine : from Caesar to Kaiser, by Ruth Putnam (G. P. Putnam's Sons, Is. net), gives an......
A Book Upon Volumetric Analysis, By Mr. A. J. Berry,
has been added to the "Cambridge Physical Series" (Cambridge University Press, 6s. 6d. net). Though not designed upon a large scale, the work is intended for advanced students,......
Scandinavia Of The Scandinavians Is The Latest Volume To Be
added to the "Countries and Peoples" Series (Pitman and Sons, Gs. net). Its author is Mr. Henry Goddard Leach, who is the Secretary of the American-Scandinavian Foundation.......
In Accordance With The Provisions Of The Hague Conven- Tion
of 1907, an office was started by the Government immediately after the outbreak of hostilities for the purpose of dealing with information concerning prisoners of vrar. In his......
New And Forthcoming Publications.
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