In accordance with the provisions of the Hague Conven- tion
of 1907, an office was started by the Government immediately after the outbreak of hostilities for the purpose of dealing with information concerning prisoners of vrar. In his study upon The Prisoners of War Information Bureau in London (Longmans and Co., 2s. 6d. net) lilt. Ronald F. B,oxburgh gives all the details as to the work and organiza- tion of this office. Its principal function is to supply
information to the enemy Governments concerning the identity, state of health, and other circumstances of their subjects interned here; but it has many activities. Its complex mechanism appears to work very smoothly, thanks chiefly to the gigantic General Card Index, which forms, a.) it were, the vertebral column of the whole organization. Professor Oppenheim contributes an introduction, discussing the question of the internment of enemy civilians from the standpoint of international law.