(To TOE EDITOR OF THE ”SP7CTATOB.1 BM—The Spectator has ever been a consistent friend of Italy, while the love and care of animals has always found eloquent advocacy in its columns. I am therefore convinced that in the very large circle of readers who echo and support its views a few may be found who, notwithstanding the constant and urgent appeals to their benevolence from home and from abroad at the present time, may he disposed to extend their practical sympathy to the Italian Blue Cross, which is now for the first time being organized here to succour the mules and horses wounded or disabled in war. The Italian Blue Cross, under the presidency of Conte Felice Scheibler, will be managed by an Italian Committee, but has the approval and support of the Minister of War, who has undertaken to provide forage and accord other facilities. The expenses, however, will fall mainly on private initiative, as is, I believe, the case in other countries. It is open to the friends of Italy, who has already a heavy burden of expenditure to bear, to assist in this beneficent work, and I do not doubt that many of my countrymen will be ready to respond to the modest appeal which I make to them for such evidence of their good- will and humanity. I shall be very grateful if you will contribute to the cause by giving publicity to this letter, inviting contributions to be sent to the British Embassy at