[To rsa Emma or me . 8rseraros:1 B111, — The writer of the
charming paper on this subject in the Spectator of June 19th does not mention the story (is it too hackneyed for repetition?) that, in the course of a dis- cussion by a party of Oxford dons of their "favourite hours" of sleep, one of the most dignified of their number gave it as his opinion that the after-breakfast nap was the pleasantest of the day. Most people would probably confess that the hours to which they look forward most eagerly are those of recrea- tion. A friend of mine told me that once during a game of golf his fellow-player--a man of intellectual distinction, and usually very taciturn and reserved—remarked to him ecstati- cally, "These are the happiest hours of my life "; adding hastily, "Don't tell my wife that I said so."—I am, Sir, do.,
O. L. D.