26 JUNE 1915, Page 32
Lome011, Printed . by L.Decarr Una , Sox, LTD., at the London
and County Printmg' Works D .Sr.crcros" (Limited). at their Office, No, 1 Wellinstou Strtet. in the Precinct of the &keel% Sranytli'm. ineihoWCO.C.11n"mdty 01Phli"Th'idlesea.bySnA‘Jusdny'viE, .13.2072600thfo,r19th13.. .Sr.crcros" (Limited). at their Office, No, 1 Wellinstou Strtet. in the Precinct of the &keel% Sranytli'm. ineihoWCO.C.11n"mdty 01Phli"Th'idlesea.bySnA‘Jusdny'viE, .13.2072600thfo,r19th13..