The English Stock market has been in a tranquil state, and the transactions of the week have been unimportant. The negotiations now said tube peuding between this Government and that of Russia, on the subjects to which we have alluded on former occasions, are doubtless operating to prevent such an im- provement in the price of the Funds as under other circumstances would be produced by the 'present abundance of money. The abandonment of the pro- posed reduction of the French Five per Cent9., which by recent advices from Paris, appears to be definitively settled for the present, has also removed an- other cause of improvement, as the tendency of that measure roust have been to force investments in the English as well as other European Stocks. The Spanish Stock Market has completely changed its character, and has been as heavy during the present as it was buoyant during the past week : tire decline in price up to this afternoon has been nearly 4 per cent, upon the quotation of Saturday. The sales which have caused this decline, seem to have been induced from the circumstance of the refusal of Lours Prime to join this country in an armed intervention to put an end to the civil war. Among other causes of depression, may be cited the fact of Don CARLOS having succeeded in completing the arrange- ments for a loan, which have so long been reported, but have never been definitively concluded until now. By the prospectus issued, (the substance of which we give below,) it is proposed to raise about 5,600,000/. by the issue of Stock to the amount of 16,940,0001. at the average price of 39s. But as the sirceess of this issue depends upon the gullibility of John Bull, it is impossible to predict to what extent the endeavour will succeed.
Lean fa. his Majesty Charles the Fifth A7no if Span; contracted ia virtue of a Treaty made 12th January 1.36, and ratified ty the Royal Decree If 6th February following. This Loan is divided into four equal series of 213,0001.annual and perpetual Five per Cent. Rentes. Each series is it into 21,300 certificates pay :tide to bearers, of nomi- nal capiial of 2001. or 101. Route. The interests upon the tall nominal capital of these Rentes will commence from the 1st July 1836 ; is loch, alter the at rival and acknow- ledgment of his Majesty at Madrid, will be payable half-yearly at Madrid. Loudon, Paris, Amsterdam, and the other principal cities of Europe. The payments upon the certificates of each series will be in six instalments; the first instalment upon the delivery of the certificates, and the remaining five after the arrival and acknow- ledgment or CilARLEs the Filth at Madrid. The first instalment will be 6 per cent, on the first series; and as the issue of each Series will be at an advance of 2 per cent. on the contract price, the tirst instalment of the second series will therefore be 8 per cent., that of the third 10 per cent., and that of the fourth 12 per cent., upon the nominal value of the Rentes; the five remaining in- stahneuts sill be each at the rate of flyer cent.. forming together 30 per cent. upon the nominal capital of the Rented So that the Rentes of the first series will be issued at 36 per cent , those of the second at 38 per cent., those of the third at 40 per cent., and those of the 4th at 42 per cent. And upon the payment of the last instalments, the subscriber will be entitled to an inscription in the Great Book of the Public Debt of Spain, with priority and &uteri- city over all other debts. The agents are, in London. Mr. D. ELLINCKHUYSEN, 8, Bank Chamber.: In Amster- dam, Messrs. S. and D. SAF0RTU5; and in Paris, Messrs. OUTREQUIN and JAGUE.
The South American Stocks are at the prices of last week ; as are also the European Securities generally current on our Exchange. The Railway Share Market has been in a state of considerable activity; and some of the undertakiugs have improved, especially Stephenson's Brighton Shares, and those of the Northern and Eastern Company. Great Western, London and Birmingham, and Southampton have maintained tire quotations of last week.
The business in the English Funds has been quite unimportant; and till nearly twelve o'clock not a single bargain for the Account had been effected. The Spanish Securities are much firmer, and are, at present, at an improvement of per cent. upon the last quotations of yesterday. Notwithstanding the refusal of pecuniary assistance from this Government, the prevalent opinion to-day seems to be, that the Dividend due on 1st May will some how or other be paid ; at least bets of 5 to 2 in large amounts are currently offered in thvour of the payment taking place. This opinion has been much strengthened by the advertisement of the Dividend on the Home Debt, which becomes due on the 1st of April, in the Madrid Gazette of the 16th instant. The Railway Shares have varied but slightly from the prices of yesterday, and are quoted at the following premiums. Aylesbury 2i ; Brighton 15 16; ditto (Rennie's) II*; Birmingham 69 71; ditto and Derby 12 13; ditto and Gloucester 84 91; Bristol and Exeter 5i 6; Eastern Counties Ott ;21 ; Greenwich 10 II; Great Western 29 31; Great North of England 3 6 ; Northern and Eastern I ; North Midland 91 10; York and ditto 4 5; Southampton 91 10; South Eastern 6 1.
The Control Market closes at the opening price, and has continued all day in a state of inactivity. Spanish Stock has been depressed, but has recovered to the morning quotations. The transactions of the afternoon have been quite unimportant, and do not afford any sul ject for remark. The Railway Shares are generally firm at the prices of the morning.
3 per Cent. Consols
Ditto for Account
New 34 per Cent. Anus
India Stuck
Bank Stock Exchequer Bills Belgian 5 per Cents Brazilian 5 per Cents Danish 3 per Cents.
914 I 91i i 994 1(0 -
21 23 1034 884 94
Dutch 24 per Cents
trench 3 law Cents
Mexican 5 per cents.
P.Atignese 3 per Cents.
Do. Regency 5 per Cent
Russian.1821. 5 per Cent Spanish, 1834.5 per Cent.
Ditto, Deferred Ditto, Passive
354 504 4 791 80 10.4 9 441 5 211 4 144 4