The News From Spain Is Of An Indecisive Character, But
on the *hole its complexion is rather more favourable. General M'DounAL and Colonel WYLDE, who were commissioned by General EVANS to represent to MENDIZ &HAL the sufferings of......
The Question, On Which The Fate Of The New French
Ministry hung, was decided in favour of M.THIERS on Tuesday, by a large majority of the Chamber of Deputies. It was resolved to accept the compromise offered by the......
Ierbateg Anti Pratetilingit In Parliament. 1. Working Of...
ABOLITION ACT. Mr. FOWELL BUXTON moved, on Tuesday, for a Select Committee to inquire into the working of the Apprenticeship system in the Colo- nies, the condition of the......
And Obstinacy Of The Colonists, Ministers Have Introduced...
Sir ANDREW LEITH HAY made a statement to the House on into the House of Commons which will give force to the provi- Wednesday, which throws light on the system of managing busi-......
The Emperor Nicholas Has Established Two Stations For The...
of vessels trading on the Danube at the Sulinski mouth of that river. The first, which is to be a quarantine sta- tion, is on the island of Leti; the second, which is for the......