The question, on which the fate of the new French
Ministry hung, was decided in favour of M.THIERS on Tuesday, by a large majority of the Chamber of Deputies. It was resolved to accept the compromise offered by the Government,—namely, to postpone the reduction of the Five per Cents. to the next session, and then to lower the rate of interest, not to 4 but to 41 per cent. It is said that THIERS considers this vote as decisive of the stability of his Administration.
There has been a good deal of speculation in Paris on the probability of an active intervention by the French Government to put down the Carlist insurrection in Navarre and Biscay ; but it appears to be the general opinion that the King will not sanction any such proposition.
An additional sum of 20,000/. for the support of the Polish exiles has been voted by the Chember of Deputies; the former grant of 100,000/. having been found insufficient.
The debates in the House of Commons occupy a considerable space in the columns of the Parisian newspapers ; and the ten- dency of the French people is said to be strongly in favour of drawing closer the union between England and France. The offer of our Government to act as mediator in the quarrel with the United States, has contributed not a little in promoting the kindly feeling towards this country, which is now very general in France.