Philharmonic Concerts.
THE concert of the 21st of March 1836, will be memorable in the annals of the Philharmonic Society, for an exhibition of vocal in- competency throughout an entire evening,......
Ti1e Law Of Arrest.
To THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. London, 22,1 March 18:16. SIR — The strictures in your last Spectator on this important topic, do not appear to me to be made in your usual......
Cotton And Corn.
To THE Enlrolt Ok"ritE SrEcTATOR. .21st March 18,16, SIR — It is a great pity when a man has a gnod cause to support that he should use bad or fallacious arguments for the......
The Italian Opera.
112ILLYNI'5 Beatrice di Tenda was brought out on Tuesday. It has been very little heard of on the Continent ; having, we believe, had very indifferent success even in Italy, and......