The Emperor NICHOLAS has established two stations for the examination
of vessels trading on the Danube at the Sulinski mouth of that river. The first, which is to be a quarantine sta- tion, is on the island of Leti; the second, which is for the in- spection of suspicious vessels and goods, is on the island of Georgiewsk ; but vessels which are to undergo quarantine, are to be sent to Odessa or to Ismael. It is contended that Russia has no right whatever to create such obstructions to the traders on the Danube ; and there is some reason to believe that, as the regula- tions will affect Austrian commerce, 1VIErranrgtcH will protest against them. There are other symptoms of jealousy of Rus- sian power and encroachments on the part of Austria. It is said that a large army is to be assembled on the Eastern frontier of Hungary, eomposed of Hungarians who have been Inartered in Italy, but who, it is supposed, would fight better an Italians in Hungary. It has heretofore been the policy of Aatetria to station Hungarian troops in Italy, and Italians in Hungary; but the contrary system is now to be acted upon. There ran be ne doubt that .Austria has more immediate cause to greed the aggressions of Russia than any other European power, sow that the Sultan has been prostrated; and it is not to he won- dered at if she takes precautions for the security of her territory. There is an old grudge between Austria and Prussia, which might easily be fanned into a new one. The French and English alliance is that which Austria must naturally seek for her own protection.