tf ROUHER has been intriguing to induce the Senate to thwart In. the Ministry by objecting to all their reforming Bills as un- constitutional, the Senate being by law "guardian of the Constitu- tion," and, with the Emperor, possessing all constituent power. Napoleon has accordingly addressed a letter to M. 011ivier (published -22nd inst.), declaring it "opportune to adopt all reforms required by constitutional government, and so put an end to the immoderate desire for change." The Constitution of 1852 was intended to secure order and authority, but gradual changes have produced a constitutional re'gime, and it is necessary to place legislative order within the domain of law, and call upon the Senate to lend its assent to the new re'gime. His Majesty, therefore, directs M. Offivier to frame a new Senatus-Consultum which shall divide power between the two Chambers, and "restore to the nation that portion of constituent power it delegated to me." It is believed that the Senate will pass the Senatus-Consultum, and so become a House of Life Peers limited in number, and that all substantive power will pass to the Corps L4gislatif, which is to be nearly doubled in number, the unit of constituency being reduced from a district of 40,000 persons to one of 25,000. Good news for Parisians, who will send up some 80 members.