The Division Showed Only Fifteen Members (including The...
the rejection of the Bill, and 427 (including the tellers) on the other side. The only Englishman who voted against the Bill was Alderman Carter, the so-called working-class......
Mr. Bruce, We Are Glad To See, Is Getting Tired
of being bullied about his commutations of capital punishment. The last instance was that of Jacob Spinasa, who was respited, we imagine, on account of a doubt whether his act,......
In Writing On The New Colonial Policy Of The Government,
we have given an extract from Sir Philip Wodehouse's speech to the Legislature of the Cape Colony on the subject of the process of separation which is going on in different......
On Thursday In Committee Mr. G. H. Moore Moved To
reduce the two years' imprisonment to which persons are liable for carrying arms without licence to one year, but was defeated by 302 to 31; and another amendment, removing the......
Lord Russell Has Written From San Remo A Characteristic...
to Mr. Forster, stating that he is " sorry " to see Mr. Forster's great Bill for national education has met with opposition on the second reading ; but we rather fear, from the......
Mr. Ayrton, On Monday, Ordered Members And The Public To
keep deputations within reasonable limit under pain of death. The floors of rooms in the older public buildings were, he informed the House, only intended to bear a reasonable......
Mr. Serjeant Dowse Is Almost Eclipsing Mr. Bernal...
a Solicitor-General, even though Irish, to furnish the House with its best fun is quite a new function of a law officer of the Crown. In replying to Colonel Wilson Patten on......
Mr. Sullivan, Proprietor Of The Nation, Has Published A Long
and eloquent appeal in the Times against the Press clauses of the Coercion Bill. His great points are that the Bill enables the Crown to ruin the printing-office from which a......
Madame 011ivier Has, It Is Said, Hinted To All Her
friends that she wears high dresses of an evening, and expects the ladies who visit- her to do the same. In other words, the Empress, who has. hitherto been dictatrix in all......
The Debates On The Second Reading Of The Peace Preservation
Bill and on the clauses as discussed in Committee have been, in general, unreal and very dreary. On Monday, Mr. G. H. Moore, M.P. for Mayo, moved its rejection in a vehement......