The Monaghan Shrievalty Case.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Your article on the above subject contains an error which has also crept (in various degrees) into some other London papers, and which I......
Ireland's Alienation.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] have seen with much satisfaction your remark on the amwise Irish caricature in last week's Punch. A friend of mine, who knows Ireland well......
The Broad-church.
[TO THE EDITOR OF TILE "SPECTATOR."] Anglicanus " inquires very courteously who is the mem- ber of the Broad-Church party described by me in a recent artide- in Fraser's......
MR. ARMITAGE'S WALL-PICTURES. EVERYBODY who henceforth visits University Hall, in Gordon :Square, must feel obliged to Mr. Armitage for admission to one -of the most delightful......