The compact between the Spanish Unionists and Progressists has been
once more broken. On 19th March, S. Figuerola in- troduced a Bill enabling him to conclude an agreement for a new loan of 110,000,000, which the Unionists en masse opposed. Prim rose in a fury, and admitting that he knew nothing of finance, declared that if the Bill were defeated the Government would resign, and called on" all Radicals who respected him to follow him to the vote." Topete walked out and resigned, and the vote was only carried by 123 to 117. In a day or two, however, the vote was repeated by a heavy majority, the Unionists abstaining from the ballot, and an effort is being made to patch up the quarrel. If it fails, Prim must either appeal to the Republicans or strike a coup d'etat, for he cannot govern the country with the Regent against him, the fleet hostile, the Army divided, the populace of
Madrid armed with revolvers, and a majority of only six. It is rumoured that the Captain-General of Cuba, Caballero de Roda, with his 50,000 troops, supports the Unionists.