Geschichte der Italiiinischen Malerei ale Universitiitsstudium (" The History of
Italian Painting as a University Study"). By Herman Grimm. (Berlin, printed by G. Reimer.)—These pages, extracted from the introduction to a forthcoming edition by the author— already the biographer of Michael Angelo—of Vasari's Life of Raphael (to be published by Diimmler), may bo commended to the notice of those who, like Mr. St. John Tyrwhitt, are labouring for the full recognition of the educational value of art in our own universities. It should at the same time be somewhat consoling to them to find that the writer points to England as to the country which of late years has made the most strenuous efforts to improve its national taste, working thereby through a reflex action on France and Belgium. On the other hand, he considers that the old impulse towards a scientific treatment of art, which thirty or forty years ago placed Prussia on the foremost line in this respect, has almost entirely died out amidst the political agitations of the last twenty years.