avoid omissions. We have noted these among others. In Literature:
El Rashid further West." He makes acquaintance with the Mrs. Oliphant, Mrs. Augusta Webster, Dr. Horace Bushnell, Dr, Dyer, " Vampire " in the endeavour to avert a curse which hangs over his Professor Seeley, Mr. Dutton Cook, Mr. Galion, Miss Thackeray, Mr. house. For this end he has to carry the Vampire off, while the crea- Aldis Wright, Mrs. H. Wood. In Theology and Scholarship : ture, as it is borne along, tells him various stories, entrapping him Mr. Macleod Campbell, Mr. II. A. J. Munro, Mr. Robinson Ellis, every time into answering a question ; the question answered, all the Dr. Ward (of the Dublin Review), Mr. R. W. Church, Hr. Davidson, M. labour is lost, and has to be begun again. One naturally asks about Merle d'Aubigny, M. de Pressensii. In Medicine : Sir Thomas Watson, such stories : are they decent ? and, are they amusing? On the Dr. Gull, Dr. West. In Art : Mr. Woolner, Mr. Poynter, Messrs. G. and A. first point, Captain Burton says that they prove " that there is such a Fripp, Mr. Marks, M. Carl Haag, Mr. Hamerton. In Politics and Law : thing as comparative purity in Hindoo literature." The claim may be Signor Sella, Dr. Lushington, Mr. Ludlow, Mr. Frederic Harrison, Mr. allowed, possibly with a little emphasis given to the word " cotnpara-
Osborne Morgan. Some errors we have marked. No record is made dye The stories are scarcely suitable virginibus puerisque, but they of Mr. Gladstone's having sat for many years for the University of are not at all offensive. Most certainly they aro amusing. "I have Oxford. Mr. G. Long is described as having been professor of Greek ventured," says the author, to remedy the conciseness of their lan-
and Latin in the University of London, whereas, as ought to be pretty gunge, and to clothe the skeleton with flesh and blood." Very much
well known by this time, the University of London has no professors at improved they doubtless are, not the loss that the " flesh and blood" all. Mr. Neate is not described as a Fellow of Oriel,—.a very noticeable bear a strong resemblance to what we recognize as Captain Burton,
fact when we remember that he sat for the City of Oxford. who, as our readers will acknowledge, is one of the most entertaining as Mr. B. A. Heywood reprints Bishop Gardiner's Oration on True he is one of the most enterprising of travellers. Possibly (we speak Obedience (Longmans), delivered after Henry VIII. had openly broken without any knowledge of the originals), he has put a little too much of