The Old College, being the Glasgow University Album for 1869.
Edited by Students. (Maclehose, Glasgow.)—The "Glasgow Album" may very well bear comparison with any University periodical that we have seen of late. The papers are solid and carefully written. We may note particularly "Oar Old University," an historical sketch, and the criticisms, half ethical, half literary, on Henry Heine and Shelley. The average of excellence in all the essays is creditably high. And there is some good poetry also ; especially an adaptation of our old friend "Vides ut alta stet nice candidum," wherein the merum guadrimum figures as " Glenlivet." The Greek elegiacs are uneven. Surely this is a halting line,— oF,S. 67 liars, cr6r a.rtrAirhsv, if3ett6r.
Might we say that some of the notes of a lecture by a certain well-known poet and novelist are a little too much in the " interviewing " line of the Transatlantic reporters ?