26 MARCH 1870, Page 3

The Vatican of yesterday asserts that the Primate of Hungary

(Monseigneur Simor, Archbishop of Gran), in concert with four other Magyar prelates, has finally decided in favour of the definition of Papal Infallibility, and that the Austro-Hungarian Inopportunists will shortly be reduced to two or three ; and it is further said that the CardinalArchbishop of Vienna is coming round to the same side. We give these statements, of course, not as endorsing them, but as expressing the clear belief of the Ultramontanes that their adver- saries are giving way. It is also asserted that the Pope has declined to admit a French Ambassador to the Council, and that France has withdrawn her demand. The next open session is to be held on Easter Monday, when it is supposed that there will be great -conciliar decrees,—possibly even the much debated definition of infallibility itself,—to announce.