The new Czar has as yet done nothing beyond recalling
General Skobeleff, and the Russian Court is absorbed in the great ceremonial of the interment of the late Czar. The body is to be laid in the Cathedral, with a most impressive service, at which the new Czar, the whole royal family of Russia, the Crown Prince of Germany, the Prince of Wales, and a host of minor potentates will be present. The scene willbe most gorgeous, while its impressiveness will not be lessened by the fact that some chorister, or priest, or aide-de-camp may be a Nihilist in dis- guise, prepared, with his bombs, to send all the mourners to the skies. The most jealous precautions will be taken, and the Cathedral literally surrounded by troops ; but precautions, after all, mean very little, except that the authorities are on the watch. They cannot know every soldier, or priest, or pro- perly-accredited visitor. Suppose a special corespondent is a Nillil Rat ! So deep is the sense of insecurity in St. Petersburg, that the Czar' has already appointed a Council of Regency, con- sisting of the Empress and his two brothers, Vladimir and Michael, who will at once take up the reins, should he be slain. It is reported, however, that the Nihilists have granted him a few weeks, to consider his position.