26 MARCH 1881, page 13

The Organic Articles.

(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SI the note which you append to my letter published iu your last issue, you observe :—" If Mr. Lilly will read Dupin's Manuel du Droit Public......

Why The Whigs Do Not Turn Tories.

(TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 . 8 IR, — While thanking you for the very polite terms in which you refer to myself in your article of last Saturday, " Why the Whigs do not......

French Prosody.

(TO THE Eurrea OF THE " SPEC TATOR."1 Sra,—Will you kindly allow me a small criticism on a passage of your notice of "Prize Translations : Poems and Parodies," in your last......

George Wilson's Case,

[TD THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."' I It beg to acknowledge on behalf of George Wilson, the pit - lad, with grateful thanks the subscriptions received from your readers; and I......

The English Church At Montreux.

[To THE EDITOR OF TEE " SPEOTATOR.1 Sta,—In your issue of the 12th inst. appears a letter signed "Wm. Weston," descriptive of Montreux. Will you kindly allow me to make obe......

Hospital Children. Cm The Editor Of The Spectator,")...

is being made to collect contributions of itoya and books, new or old, for the patients (mostly children) in the fever and small-pox hospitals, just now unusually full. A few......